can recommend all of these books very strongly once you have a good
foundation -- and be aware that each book has a specific focus or advanced
application. Click on each book for a description about the book.
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without
Giving In
by Fisher, Roger and Ury.
This book is essential for basic literacy. Easy to use and refer
to, a famous classic. Order this book.
Getting Past No
by Ury.
(Bantam Hill)
The follow-up text to Getting to Yes. Essential follow-up to Getting
to Yes. Order this book.
Legal Negotiation and Settlement
by Gerald Williams.
(West Publishing)
The one Gerald Williams book in print. Invaluable if you negotiate
anything that involves attorneys. Order this book.
Game, Set and Match
by Henrey S. Kramer.
Brand new with a full collection of techniques, tricks and traps
as well as 360+ pages of text. Order this book.
For game theory books, visit:
There are also other skills related books,
especially the Gentle Art books by Elgin. They are here:
Finally, for misc. negotiation and other books
of interest I have a cursory section. Those books are here:
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